The truth about cars...
Archives are the foundation of historical research. Without access to primary material—be it documents, photographs, financial statements, engineering or test reports—historians lack the building blocks necessary to write the chronicles that inform our understanding of the past and illuminate the future. To their credit, America’s automakers have gone to great lengths and expense to preserve and protect the historical documents which chronicle and define their existence. Until recently. As Chrysler and GM plunged into bankruptcy, they turned their back on their own heritage and destroyed a priceless part of our collective past.
Chrysler was incorporated on June 6, 1925. Over the following decades, the automaker centralized and organized its archives, records dating back to the very beginnings of the American automobile industry. And then the company’s new owners decided history is bunk. Cerberus eliminated its archivist position. They stopped funding the documents’ maintenance. The company limited access to their archives and then stopped it altogether.
Worse was to follow.
With little notice and no planning, Cerberus literally abandoned the engineering library at the Chrysler Technical Center. The library was shuttered and the librarian laid off. And then the real crime: all the library’s books and materials were offered to anyone who could carry them away. I repeat: the documents were free for the taking. Within a week, a collection spanning decades was scattered to the winds; the books and other materials will never again be available in any coherent, comprehensive form.
The rest of Chrysler’s historical archives remain intact in a central location. Intense work by dedicated archivists has, over the years, provided organization and access to historians. Will FIAT consider these archives worth preserving? Do they even know they exist?
The situation at GM isn’t quite so dire—yet. While GM continues to fund a Heritage Center, the center has sold off hundreds of their historical vehicles. It’s a travesty that denies writers (and GM insiders) a hands-on link to the company’s best—and worst—work.
The location and status of GM’s paper archives is unclear. Historically, GM has allowed each division to keep or discard archival material as they pleased. Some, like Oldsmobile, transferred many of their key documents to an independent museum. Upon enquiry, it’s clear that many of the remaining GM divisions no longer know the location of their historical documents, much less how they are organized or how researchers can gain access.
Rumor has it that GM Research (at the GM Tech Center in Warren) has a library of technical papers dating back to its beginnings: a treasure trove of information about the development of the automobile. Who’s protecting this legacy? In fact, who owns it: Old GM or New?
These irreplaceable records must not be lost in the confusion of bankruptcy and reorganization. There are a number of potential homes for the material. The National Automotive History Collection in Detroit, the Benson Ford Archives, the archives at Kettering University, the Ransom E. Olds museum, or the University of Michigan, are all possibilities. There are others in and around Detroit.
It will take two things to make this happen: money and talent.
All of the archives and records could be transferred to a safe haven for under $2 million dollars. That’s roughly 0.04% of the latest check the feds cut GM to ensure the company’s “reinvention.” As the federal government has already underwritten the reorganization of GM and Chrysler, as Uncle Sam more or less owns these carmakers, underwriting the preservation of their archives is the least our elected representatives could do for our money.
Detroit has plenty of talent to make the rescue. The National Automotive History Collection, the Society of Automotive Historians, and countless other museums and libraries all have employees with the knowledge and the motivation to safely transport and secure the archives. With a little financial support from the federal government, and a little “empowerment” from the same place, teams of historians could ferret out the records within GM and protect them for future generations.
Ironically (given Henry Ford’s supposed view of history), Ford has shown us how it should be done. All of the company’s records have have been transferred to the Henry Ford [Museum] and to the Benson Ford Archives—and made accessible to researchers. Ford’s actions should be a blueprint for saving the rest of our automotive heritage.
Thanks to the $100 billion plus taxpayer Detroit bailout, Chrysler and GM’s historical records now belong to all of us. I urge you to e-mail your congressmen and senators, asking them to ensure that Chrysler and GM’s records are preserved in the public’s interest.
Few politicians, if any, are interested in automotive history. Witness President Obama’s absurd assertion that “America invented the automobile.” But all elected officials are interested in votes. Let them know you care. Let them know that the companies that failed to learn from history shouldn’t lose it for those who can.
Efter en helg bestående av...

Vansinneskörning (kall) till Göteborg för lite allmän motor sex...

Till nedan senare...

Och nu så orkar man inget mera....
möjligtvis våffllor och kaffe hos Gibsons Mc...

Ha koll på Harry Haffa...och vart de håller hus...?
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Slipp trafikböter och onödiga stillestånd!
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Var Kreativ i vinter...fynda hos nedan...
Rengörning av skitig bil...
Ja, nu börjar det ...livet i garaget alltså..! Ute kan man ju knappt vara förutom när man skall rasta Molly vilket i för sig sker hyfsat ofta och i alla väder...nåja, så är det och någonstans så inser man att det är igentligen nyttigt ovan på alltihop...kolla in bilderna så ser ni vad som har hänt i garaget ..
Lite inspiration skadar inte i vinter mörkret...

Klicka på bannern för mera infon..
Here you go - live from Laguna Seca!
What’s new for 2010? It’s funny you should ask. There’s this new paint color you’re absolutely going to love! And…
Oh, not quite what you were looking for? Well, try this on for size: The ultimate purpose-built, street-legal track car just got a little bit quicker.
You want to talk zero-to-60 time? Try under four seconds. Zero to 100 in 11 seconds flat. It can knock off a quarter-mile in 11 and a half. It boasts 600 horsepower and 560 lb.-ft of torque, along with 1,000 pounds of down force pushing peak Gs above 2.0. It can brake from 60 to 0 in 100 feet and has a top speed of 202 miles per hour. And thanks to a new gear change for 2010, it can reach that 200 mph barrier 14 seconds faster than its predecessor.
How? It’s all a question of ratios — the 5th gear ratio has been revised from 0.741 to 0.796 to boost high-speed acceleration, while the rear wing and end plates have been redesigned in the ACR to optimize the car’s aerodynamic profile. Add in a new short-throw shifter, and better performance is a given — whether on a racetrack or on the open highway.
But of course appearance is also key — and the 2010 Vipers have the customizable looks to stand out in any crowd. In addition to new colors (Toxic Orange and Silver, which was only available on a limited edition last year), Viper offers 10 other exterior colors, six stripe colors, five interior colors, three interior bezels, and four wheel options. That makes for more than 7,000 different appearance combinations on a limited run of only 500 cars being produced — meaning that chances are each and every 2010 Viper will end up with its own unique look.
Of course, talk is cheap. Which is why we’re here today, at Laguna Seca, to show you first-hand what the 2010 Viper ACR can do. Thanks for coming along for the ride.
More info and more...klicka på länken nedan..
Verktyg för Dodge, Chrysler och Jeep
Lusse fika Bike Line malmö

12 december.
Klockan 10-14 hos Bike Line i Malmö.
Hot Rod Magazine...

Klicka på bilden...

Och efter det du läst så bär det iväg til svedala... för en fika..
15.00-18.00 idag söndag..C U there..

Mikuni förgasare-världens bästa?


Dags att börja meka med bågen i garaget? lite sällskap har aldrig skadat någon?

Om man inte vet vad man gör i garaget så kan resultatet bli som nedan...!

Bättre och ta hjälp ifrån ett proffs så blir det genast bättre...

Och resultatet....

Sure as hell beats "macken i Lomma"

Glöm inte tvätta innan du ställer in bågen för vintern...

Och för allt i världen..glöm inte att klä damen nu när du spenderar så mycket
tid i garaget..hon måste ha varma underkläder nu till vintern...

Big wheels keep on turning?
Let it breath with style?
För V-Rod älskaren?
Mera läsvärt nu i höst mörkret...
Klicka på ovan för mera info..
Klicka på ovan..och länken nedan...
Blacksmith Nats 13/06/2009 i Kjula Part I
De amerikanska tidningarna-forum kan läsas på nätet..
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Klicka på ovan för mera info..
Klicka på ovan för mera info..
Inside The Motorcycle Industry
You Will Be Missed
The motorcycle industry lost one of its icons this past July when Bruce Rossmeyer was killed in a motorcycle accident on his way to the 69th Annual Sturgis Rally. Bruce was 66 years old. Aside from his amassed Harley-Davidson Dealership empire of 15 dealerships and stores across the country, including the worlds largest dealership to-date the 109,000 square-foot Destination Daytona, Bruce was just as involved in charitable work as well. A very respected philanthropist both in and outside the motorcycle industry, Bruce was heavily involved with a wide assortment of charitable organizations, and was a founder and served on the Board of Directors of Camp Boggy Creek, served on the Board of Directors for Boys & Girls Clubs of Volusia/Flagler Counties, and was a major player in the fundraising efforts for the Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital as well. He was also Co-Creator and Sponsor of the VQ Bikers Ball held during Daytona Bike Week, and was held solely responsible for creating the Bike Week party on Beach Street where his Daytona Harley-Davidson shop is located. Bruce is survived by his wife Sandy, five children and nine grandchildren. Bruce will be greatly missed by those who knew him and even those who didn't know him but were affected by his generosity.
Racer V
Screamin' Eagle/Vance & Hines rider Eddie Krawiec won his fourth NHRA Pro Stock Motorcycle event of the season and clinched the number-one spot in the Full Throttle Countdown to the Championship playoff series at the Toyo Tires NHRA Nationals on the Maple Grove Raceway. Krawiec, the defending NHRA Pro Stock Motorcycle champion, rode his Harley-Davidson V-Rod past MPR/Damn Sports Suzuki rider Michael Phillips in the final round of eliminations.
MetalSport has made a name for itself in the motorcycle wheel industry as a leader when it comes to 3-D, and large diameter wheels. Being the only manufacturer offering a 26-inch wheel (at time of print), MetalSport now offers its entire line-up of wheels in 26-inch diameters in both 3-D and 2-D. According to Metalsport, the 2-D wheel lineup is a more affordable option to the 3-D wheel line.
Yuasa Battery Inc., a leading manufacturer of batteries for powersports vehicles, recently launched an online store to offer the most popular models from its product line through the convenience of e-commerce. The online strore is branded like Yuasa's website and features order entry and fulfillment. Consumers may choose to have purchases shipped directly to them or to a dealer location to be picked up.
Women Riders Unite
With the theme "Riding to New Heights," the 2009 American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) International Women & Motorcycling Conference, presented by Harley-Davidson and Buell, wrapped up in Keystone, Colorado, following four days of riding, learning, and networking in one of the best riding areas in the United States. The event, which ran Aug. 19-22, not only honored the contributions of women riders to motorcycling's past and present, it also celebrated the fast-growing role that female motorcyclists are playing in the future of motorcycling. More than 1,000 enthusiastic motorcyclists gathered at the Keystone Resort and Conference Center in Keystone for a full slate of activities that included guided tours, seminars, demo rides, inspiring speeches, social functions, and training sessions.
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Vi karlar har det inte lätt alltid..?

Lördagen den 28 november blir det julbord i distikt B.
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Julbord i Grottbyn
Ni som har bokat rum eller stuga får tillträde till dom från kl 15.00. Julfesten börjar kl 18.00 så ni har gott om tid att fixa till er innan glöggen kommer fram.
Kaffe och våffla i Svedala
Nu när hösten börjar komma hit så har vi ändå chansen att träffas på söndagar. Gibson har söndagsöppet nu under höst- och vintersäsongen mellan 15.00-18.00. Passa på och kom för att ta en fika tillsammans.
Och när ni har inmundat ovan med god aptit....så har allas våran DoB ordnat följande för att
återställa dig till ursprungs skick...
Nu har H-DCS fått ett avtal med Nautilus träningscenter som gäller alla medlemmar.
Om du vill teckna ett årskort så kontaktar du Nautilus på din ort och vid uppvisande av medlemskort så erhåller du rabatt. Har du friskvårdspeng från ditt arbete så gäller givetvis det också. Så kom igång och håll kroppen i trim samt utnyttja ditt medlemskap.
Det här gäller naturligtvis alla DISTRIKT från A-Ö.
Gå gärna in på där får ni all info vad som erbjuds och var dom finns.
DoB Danne
Snällt va?
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Svininfluensa tider är tuffa....
Till och med Nalle Puh och hans kompisar har vidtagit åtgärder...
Dodge to end Viper production in July 2010

2009 Dodge Viper ACR
At the Chrysler business plan meeting this morning, Ralph Gilles, CEO of the Dodge car brand, dropped big news on the Viper. After going back and forth for the past 18 months on what to do with Viper, Chrysler has decided that production of the current Viper will end in July 2010. Before that happens, 500 final cars will be built that, according to Gilles, will be the most special Vipers ever. Gilles explained that the company wanted to preserve the value of existing Vipers by not continuing the current generation indefinitely. He didn't give any details on what would be special with the final 500 cars.
However, Viper fans need not mourn yet. Gilles revealed that an all new car is being developed with a launch targeted in 2012! Even better the Viper will be getting some help from Chrysler's new Italian colleagues... and lets not forget about a certain Fiat outpost that uses a yellow-and-black Prancing Horse for its logo that's based in Maranello. Let's just hope they keep the Viper's elemental nature in the new generation.