For fun....
454 cui V8 chippad och go....400 pållar...60knop...ajdå ...en hybrid alltså..
burns fuel and scares the shit of the faint hearted...

For maximum top end, the 415-hp fuel-injected big-block, the heftiest engine the 230SX can handle, was a natural move. A Bravo One drive with a 1.5:1 reduction channeled the energy to a Mirage 14 3/8 x 27 three-blade stainless prop. That power package pushed the boat to six mph at 1000 rpm, 23 at 2000, 42 at 3000, 52 at 3500, 60 at 4000 and 67 at 4500 before clearing the 70-mph hurdle at 4800 rpm. Set up as it was for speed, we didn't anticipate the boat to short-circuit our' stopwatch when it came to acceleration, and it didn't. The 230SX reached 17 mph in three seconds, 28 in five, 48 in 10 and then took a delightful leap to 60 in 15. Our test driver didn't mind the somewhat lackluster time to plane of 4.9 seconds, but he did grouse a bit about the lack of visibility, due to the high deck. Still, he praised the throttle response and overall power. The multi-port injected V-8 also paid dividends in fuel efficiency, as the 3,460-pound boat got an at 25 and 35 mph, impressive 3.6 mpg and three at 45 mph. Stingray president A1 Fink continually tinkers with the Z plane design. It's a labor of love. The 230SX we tested came with a 20-degree deep-V hull, with two strakes and a notched transom. In the Z-plane concept, strakes are created by eliminating hull surface, rather than adding to it. The goal was to eliminate vertical edges, which trap air pockets that hamper hull performance. For our money, the jury remains out on just how well the concept works when the throttle isn't pegged. In low- and cruise speed slalom and left and right turns, the boat scored merely average marks-it felt a tad spongy. But crank up the power and 230SX dances. Snap it left, snap it right, and hang on because it's going to hold even if you can't. Tracking at all speeds earned better than average marks. We found no torque in the wheel and when we cut back on the power, the boat responded. In a hurry.