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The idea and history,
the idea for a Bikers hotel came from a friend of the family Otfried Preitz. This was in 1975 at this time biking was not seen in the same way as it is now. After trying to start the business twice and twice failing twice, Norbert and Paula Pirone bought the Villa Lowenherz in Lauenforde in1978. The building was originally built for the Jewish industrialist Herman Lowenherz. He was the grounder of the firm Herlag which made garden furniture. The family emigrated during the rise of the Third Reich, but now have contact to the family Pirone.
In the time before and during WWII the villa was used to house the BDM ( Bund Deutscher Maedchen,. After the war was used to house refugees, when up to 22 families found a roof over their heads as well as a hairdressers, the kitchen was used to cook for the school and kindergarten.
In 1962 an architect from Holzminden purchased the house and grounds leaving the house and grounds to stand empty from 1964 till 1978, so that when we bought the property it was in a desolate state in need of extensive repair.
A lot of time and effort as well as cash was sunk into the property and our Biker guests always spurned us on to complete the project despite the ongoing works as they stayed with us. Through this and other actions the Villa soon became an International meeting place, where bikers of all types and ages feel at home, and return time after time.
Since May 1998 the second generation of the Pirone family Stephan and Martha along with her husband Reiner Kuckuck have been running the Villa.
Pirone Villa Löwenherz GmbH & Co.KG
Würgasser Strasse 5 37697 Lauenförde / Weser
Telefon: +49 5273 7567 Telefax: +49 5273 7847
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