Hot Rod Magazine...

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Och efter det du läst så bär det iväg til svedala... för en fika..
15.00-18.00 idag söndag..C U there..

Mikuni förgasare-världens bästa?


Dags att börja meka med bågen i garaget? lite sällskap har aldrig skadat någon?

Om man inte vet vad man gör i garaget så kan resultatet bli som nedan...!

Bättre och ta hjälp ifrån ett proffs så blir det genast bättre...

Och resultatet....

Sure as hell beats "macken i Lomma"

Glöm inte tvätta innan du ställer in bågen för vintern...

Och för allt i världen..glöm inte att klä damen nu när du spenderar så mycket
tid i garaget..hon måste ha varma underkläder nu till vintern...

Big wheels keep on turning?
Let it breath with style?
För V-Rod älskaren?
Mera läsvärt nu i höst mörkret...
Klicka på ovan för mera info..
Klicka på ovan..och länken nedan...
Blacksmith Nats 13/06/2009 i Kjula Part I
De amerikanska tidningarna-forum kan läsas på nätet..
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Klicka på ovan för mera info..
Klicka på ovan för mera info..
Inside The Motorcycle Industry
You Will Be Missed
The motorcycle industry lost one of its icons this past July when Bruce Rossmeyer was killed in a motorcycle accident on his way to the 69th Annual Sturgis Rally. Bruce was 66 years old. Aside from his amassed Harley-Davidson Dealership empire of 15 dealerships and stores across the country, including the worlds largest dealership to-date the 109,000 square-foot Destination Daytona, Bruce was just as involved in charitable work as well. A very respected philanthropist both in and outside the motorcycle industry, Bruce was heavily involved with a wide assortment of charitable organizations, and was a founder and served on the Board of Directors of Camp Boggy Creek, served on the Board of Directors for Boys & Girls Clubs of Volusia/Flagler Counties, and was a major player in the fundraising efforts for the Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital as well. He was also Co-Creator and Sponsor of the VQ Bikers Ball held during Daytona Bike Week, and was held solely responsible for creating the Bike Week party on Beach Street where his Daytona Harley-Davidson shop is located. Bruce is survived by his wife Sandy, five children and nine grandchildren. Bruce will be greatly missed by those who knew him and even those who didn't know him but were affected by his generosity.
Racer V
Screamin' Eagle/Vance & Hines rider Eddie Krawiec won his fourth NHRA Pro Stock Motorcycle event of the season and clinched the number-one spot in the Full Throttle Countdown to the Championship playoff series at the Toyo Tires NHRA Nationals on the Maple Grove Raceway. Krawiec, the defending NHRA Pro Stock Motorcycle champion, rode his Harley-Davidson V-Rod past MPR/Damn Sports Suzuki rider Michael Phillips in the final round of eliminations.
MetalSport has made a name for itself in the motorcycle wheel industry as a leader when it comes to 3-D, and large diameter wheels. Being the only manufacturer offering a 26-inch wheel (at time of print), MetalSport now offers its entire line-up of wheels in 26-inch diameters in both 3-D and 2-D. According to Metalsport, the 2-D wheel lineup is a more affordable option to the 3-D wheel line.
Yuasa Battery Inc., a leading manufacturer of batteries for powersports vehicles, recently launched an online store to offer the most popular models from its product line through the convenience of e-commerce. The online strore is branded like Yuasa's website and features order entry and fulfillment. Consumers may choose to have purchases shipped directly to them or to a dealer location to be picked up.
Women Riders Unite
With the theme "Riding to New Heights," the 2009 American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) International Women & Motorcycling Conference, presented by Harley-Davidson and Buell, wrapped up in Keystone, Colorado, following four days of riding, learning, and networking in one of the best riding areas in the United States. The event, which ran Aug. 19-22, not only honored the contributions of women riders to motorcycling's past and present, it also celebrated the fast-growing role that female motorcyclists are playing in the future of motorcycling. More than 1,000 enthusiastic motorcyclists gathered at the Keystone Resort and Conference Center in Keystone for a full slate of activities that included guided tours, seminars, demo rides, inspiring speeches, social functions, and training sessions.
Julklapps tips?
Vi karlar har det inte lätt alltid..?

Lördagen den 28 november blir det julbord i distikt B.
Var? Jo i Grottbyn, utanför Höör vid Skånes djurpark, till en kostnad av 290:-.
Dryck medtages efter behov.
Möjlighet finns att boka sängplats i grottorna för 145:- per bädd, 80 platser finns.
Bindande anmälan senast den 1/11. Max 90 pers.
Dan 040-44 02 84, 070-757 04 45
Julbord i Grottbyn
Ni som har bokat rum eller stuga får tillträde till dom från kl 15.00. Julfesten börjar kl 18.00 så ni har gott om tid att fixa till er innan glöggen kommer fram.
Kaffe och våffla i Svedala
Nu när hösten börjar komma hit så har vi ändå chansen att träffas på söndagar. Gibson har söndagsöppet nu under höst- och vintersäsongen mellan 15.00-18.00. Passa på och kom för att ta en fika tillsammans.
Och när ni har inmundat ovan med god aptit....så har allas våran DoB ordnat följande för att
återställa dig till ursprungs skick...
Nu har H-DCS fått ett avtal med Nautilus träningscenter som gäller alla medlemmar.
Om du vill teckna ett årskort så kontaktar du Nautilus på din ort och vid uppvisande av medlemskort så erhåller du rabatt. Har du friskvårdspeng från ditt arbete så gäller givetvis det också. Så kom igång och håll kroppen i trim samt utnyttja ditt medlemskap.
Det här gäller naturligtvis alla DISTRIKT från A-Ö.
Gå gärna in på där får ni all info vad som erbjuds och var dom finns.
DoB Danne
Snällt va?
Really Cool 3D signs...
Merry Christmas Friends,
Yes, it's true... OF ALL TIME !
That impossible to find, perfect gift is available from THING 3-D SIGNS.
Please check out the attached pictures of example signs.
Any sports team logo, classic car and motorcycle signs, classic movie / TV show, custom business logos etc. We can personalize any sign, inscribe with your text, " from the family" or from "so and so" or anything you like. We will custom make it for you ! We stock hundreds of signs, paperweights, small desktop signs, business card holders, party favors, refrigerator / toolbox magnets, stocking stuffers and more ! EveryTHING available in every size !
Perfect for the office, home theatre or garage ! We know some people are hard to shop for ! Give the gift they will always treasure ! Prices start at just $15.00 and up. Our signs are made from durable, high gloss acrylic plastic and assembled by hand. All orders are shipped insured with Priority Mail for quick delivery ! Excellent discounts when ordering more than 1 item ! Check out our superior customer satisfaction on EBAY. - seller id : thinng
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Thank you ! ...and have a great CHRISTMAS !
Let us know if you have any questions or would like to see more pictures ...
thanks, John
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Click on the above pictures for larger size picture
Svininfluensa tider är tuffa....
Till och med Nalle Puh och hans kompisar har vidtagit åtgärder...
Dodge to end Viper production in July 2010

2009 Dodge Viper ACR
At the Chrysler business plan meeting this morning, Ralph Gilles, CEO of the Dodge car brand, dropped big news on the Viper. After going back and forth for the past 18 months on what to do with Viper, Chrysler has decided that production of the current Viper will end in July 2010. Before that happens, 500 final cars will be built that, according to Gilles, will be the most special Vipers ever. Gilles explained that the company wanted to preserve the value of existing Vipers by not continuing the current generation indefinitely. He didn't give any details on what would be special with the final 500 cars.
However, Viper fans need not mourn yet. Gilles revealed that an all new car is being developed with a launch targeted in 2012! Even better the Viper will be getting some help from Chrysler's new Italian colleagues... and lets not forget about a certain Fiat outpost that uses a yellow-and-black Prancing Horse for its logo that's based in Maranello. Let's just hope they keep the Viper's elemental nature in the new generation.
Dodge Viper powered motorcycles

British nuclear engineer Allen Millyard is known for building huge motorcycles, often using car engines to replace the factory engines. His latest creation is this motorcycle, which uses a 500-hp, 8,400cc engine from the Dodge Viper sports car. That’s as impressive as his prior feat of mounting two 6-cylinder engines on one bike
Klicka på länkarna för video
Another VIPER bike:
Tomhawk Dodge Viper
Street Dodge Viper twin turbo 1700hp drag race.
Harley-Davidson forum
DRAG RACING NEWS Intervju med bla. andra Ögge...IDAG 11/11
Optima Batteries

OPTIMA high-performance AGM batteries are like no other battery in the world. The unique Spiralcell design offers the most advanced technology and provides a strong and clean power source that far surpasses any of today's filled lead-acid batteries. With OPTIMA under your hood, you can count on a longer lasting battery life under starting and deep-cycle applications.
Hansen Racing..allt för den Amerikanska drömmen...
Air ride..
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One part number, one price, total solutions. We now offer multiple package levels for most popular applications to fit different customer desires and budgets. Our system packages are based on years of experience with outfitting each platform and will provide a simple solution to assembling all the right stuff in one easy step.
Allt i billet...
Läs texten nedan och klicka på bilden för mera info...
Fesler Built
Design and Fabrication of an Empire
An ever-growing juggernaut in the custom automotive world, Fesler Built came from humble beginnings. At its core the company is made up of two dynamic, dedicated and extremely hard-working individuals—Chris and Carrie Fesler. Partners in both life and business the couple is inseparable and each is an equal piece of a machine greater than the sum of its parts—their ever-growing success is proof of this.
Both Chris and Carrie have been go-getters from the start, never afraid to tackle any challenge. It began in 1996 when the duo began producing complete editorial packages for niche automotive magazines. From there the business grew to offer various marketing tools to the many automotive parts manufacturers they had created solid working relationships with. Basically when Chris and Carrie saw a need in the industry, they would fill it.
By 2000 the Feslers had become the go-to team known to many in the automotive aftermarket as being able to bridge the gap between the manufacturers and specialty automotive publications. They did everything from writing and photography to building complete demo vehicles to generating comprehensive marketing campaigns for companies ranging from Audiobahn to General Motors. Building as many as twelve unique show vehicles for display at SEMA became an annual event along with their regular editorial and marketing workload.
Hard work, dedication, and keen minds for business along with extremely professional attitudes earned Chris and Carrie the success they desired, and yet they wanted even more.
At its core, the Fesler mission statement is, “Find the need in a given market, and cater to that need in the most efficient and highest quality manner possible.” It was this ideal that Chris and Carrie have utilized to create Fesler Built. With their experience in various facets of the automotive aftermarket, and building all levels of show vehicles, Chris and Carrie both came to the realization that the industry was in need of an affordable, professional and dedicated distinctive shop--an automotive haven for serious enthusiasts who demand nothing less than the best. The Feslers had delivered this level of quality in their other business endeavors and were confident they had what it took to become one of the world’s premier hot rod and custom car builders. And that is exactly what they have done, drawing in discriminating hot rod enthusiasts from all over the world and providing them with the best quality work in the industry. Experiencing exponential growth throughout the next nine years, the Feslers can look back and realize that they have done exactly what they set out to, yet again, carving their own path to success.
Today Fesler Built has moved to a shop double the size of the first out of necessity and the team continues to build some of the finest automobiles ever seen. But they haven’t stopped there. Finding yet another void and filling it, Fesler Built now also manufactures custom-designed billet parts for early hot rods under the Fesler Billet moniker.
And, even though running two successful, high demand companies (among other business ventures) and managing a team of 16 employees seems like enough work to satisfy an average person, Chris and Carrie still remember where they came from and continue to squeeze in some editorial and marketing jobs when they can. They truly are the hardest working couple in the go-business.
Chris and Carrie make no compromises or apologies—they simply build the best quality hot rods and parts available today. It is this level of determination and dedication, and most importantly their team work, that has earned them the opportunity to take part in the customization of what is certain to be the continuation of a legendary muscle car—the Fesler-Moss 2010 Chevrolet Camaro.
It seems at this point there is no stopping the Feslers. Any one of the companies that they have built from the ground up is no small feat in and of itself. And, based on their track record the empire as a whole will no-doubt continue to grow exponentially. The only real questions is, “What will Chris and Carrie Fesler do next?”
Motor porr
Att läsa när det är grått o mulet ute..
DRAG RACING NEWS Intervju med bla. andra Ögge...

Klicka på bilden för mera info..
Motorsoffan #6
2009-11-10 - 08:47 // Nitroz.Se
Nu på onsdag blir det spännande i motorsoffan. Då får vi besök av EM-mästarna i kanske den svåraste klassen av alla i Dragracing, Pro Stock!
Jimmy Ålund, sexfaldig EM-mästare i Pro Stock
Ulf Ögge, Årets EM-mästare i Pro Stock Bike
Fredrik Fredlund, Fjolårets EM-mästare i Pro Stock Bike
Programledare, Henrik Modigh
När: 11/11 kl 18:30
Höst tips...
Buff tips...
Våfflor och Kaffe etc.
PUB Kväll med HDCS
Pubkväll i Lund
Lördag den 14 november.
Vi träffas från kl 18.00 på Glorias, S:t Petrikyrkogatan 9, för att äta en bit mat eller bara dricka något gott.
Ni som tänkt äta, kika på menyn som har tagits fram till oss och beställ gärna innan den 7/11 så blir det lättare för deras personal och för dig själv.
Tijuana Teazer Burger 200 g
ost, bacon, chipotle & guacamole (& pommes) 129:-
Glorias Famous BBQ-steak 250 g ryggbiff
serveras med 3 såser, grönsaker & pommes 189:-
Chicken Fajitas
strimlad kycklingfilé med guacamole, tortilla, majsstuvning, salsa & gräddfil 149:-
Vegitarian Faijtas
Wokade grönsaker med guacamole, tortilla, majsstuvning, salsa & gräddfil 109:-
DoB 070-757 04 45
Scandinavian Custom Show 2009
Så var showen över för denna gången..igen...lyckat och mycket trevligt!
För er som inte hade chansen att åka in och uppleva det hela live kan
klicka på bilderna och njuta...det är bara ett lite axplock av fordon och
motor relaterade prylar som fanns att beskåda etc...Klicka även på
bannern nedan så är där mera bilder..